Saturday, October 16, 2010

Greenpois0n Jailbreak Released for Max OS X

Really good news for Mac OS X users. @Chronic dev team member @p0sixninja aka Joshua hill just tweeted not that long ago that the greenpois0n iOS 4.1 jailbreak has just been released for Mac OS X users. Greenpois0n will jailbreak the following devices on iOS 4.1 firmware, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod touch 4G, iPod Touch 3G and iPad. The chronic dev team have been updating the greepois0n jailbreak alot to fix the bugs that people have been coming across. This release of GreenPois0n is based on Limera1n’s exploit. SHAtter exploit has been saved for the next-gen iOS devices. If for some greenpois0n doesnt work for you you can use the limera1n jailbreak by geohot that will jailbreak the same devices.

With both of these jailbreaks, limera1n and greenpois0n you are fourced to put your device in DFU mode to allow the jailbreak to work. Also there are some good news for iPod Touch 2g users that are fans of greenpois0n. @p0sixninja has also announced that not only greenpois0n is releaced for Mac OS X users but also in the next greenpois0n RC4 update greenpois0n will support iPod Touch 2g. P0sixninja said:

iPod Touch 2g support will be included in RC4. Coming soon!!
There you have it. Greenpois0n is releaced for Mac OS X users and also the next greenpois0n update will allow you to jailbereak you iPod Touch 2g. But still no call for jailbreaking the Apple TV. Stay tuned to find out when you can jailbreak the Apple TV.
greepois0n, iphone, ipad, ipod touch, "greenpois0n has been released for mac OS X, Mac, Chronicdevteam, p0sixninja

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