Saturday, October 16, 2010

No Cydia Icon After Jailbreaking with greenpois0n? This May Help

The greenpois0n jailbreak has proved to be somewhat buggy for some users, including us. Fortunately, we’ve been able to navigate around a few of those bugs with a little bit of tinkering.
One of the biggest reported problems is the lack of a Cydia icon on your springboard following a successful jailbreak. Look inside for a step-by-step guide on how to add Cydia back to your springboard!

Step 1: Jailbreak using greenpois0n.

Step 2: Download either iFunBox or iPhoneBrowser, and plug in your iPhone.  This will allow you to navigate your phone’s directory structure if the jailbreak was indeed successful.

Step 3: Navigate to /var/mobile/Library/Caches directory, delete ‘’ and reboot.

Step 4: When you reboot you should see a Loader icon on your springboard.  Access Loader to download Cydia, and reboot.

Step 5: Once you reboot you should see both Cydia and Loader icons!  You can uninstall Loader if you want, as explained in the jailbreak tutorial.
This appears to be a springboard caching problem that is resolved by a simple “clearing” of the cache, as done above.

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