Friday, October 15, 2010

Wi-Fi Sync 2.0 Coming Soon, Promises Syncing Over 3G

Wi-Fi Sync is a $9.99 app in Cydia that syncs your iOS device over wi-fi with iTunes. A couple of months ago the developer of Wi-Fi sync tweeted that he was working on Wi-Fi Sync 2.0, which would include wireless syncing over 3G and VPN. Yesterday he announced the beta signup for Wi-Fi Sync 2.0. I can’t wait to get my hands on it.

The update is scheduled to be released this December. I highly doubt that Apple will be implementing any type of wi-fi syncing into iTunes by then, so it looks like Wi-Fi Sync will be the only option for awhile. Although, the fact that Apple recently patented MagSafe for iOS devices hints that they are probably working on wireless syncing at Cupertino.
I really hope that this new version of Wi-Fi Sync works well. When the app originally came out I used it for a couple of weeks. Sadly, the novelty of the feature wore off when it became too slow to use on a daily basis. And most of the time I found that I didn’t actually need Wi-Fi Sync, because whenever I was at home I was right by my computer.

However, syncing over 3G would be a game changer. I could see plenty of scenarios when I would sync with my computer back home while I’m out and about. It will be interesting to see how syncing over 3G will be made secure in Wi-Fi Sync 2.0, or if the developer will be able to improve the sluggishness of the experience.

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